Corrado Manenti

Corrado Manenti è fondatore di Be A, dove aiuta stilisti emergenti a trasformare il loro talento creativo in brand di moda di successo attraverso strategie imprenditoriali efficaci e formazione specializzata.

Can the use of influencers negatively influence brand perception?

Tabella dei Contenuti

Gianluca Vacchi For F**K Project and Vittorio Sgarbi For Sartoria Tramarossa

A recent British study has shown that influencer marketing negatively affects the perception of brands.

As many as 44% of the respondents expressed very mixed opinions on how the brand and infuencer relate and how it can even be detrimental to the perception of the company and the end product.

Dealing with a so-called influencer or Celebrities can create countless inconveniences. And in recent months, some rather egregious cases have emerged.

After all, we are talking about people who are charged with displaying the essence of our brand in their lifestyle.

The emotional benefits of buying our products.

They make us see the emotional side, they create the 'dream' around our product.

As I often say with my motto you have to be 'aspirational' otherwise people won't buy you.

But after all, even influencers are still human beings with all their strengths and weaknesses.

Do you remember Gianluca Vacchi? Who? Probably not, that's the problem!

The subject in question last summer was a testimonial for EFFE K, a well-known and always provocative swimwear brand.

Of course, provoking and generating controversy have always been a weapon to generate attention for one's brand and get people talking about it, but it is a double-edged sword. Just think of the big scandal that involved him a few months later.

A well-known problem of contemporary image advertising is the desire to go 'viral' and 'let people talk about it' at all costs. to reflexively exploit a (heterogeneous and poorly profiled) pool of celebrity followers in order to cope with obvious shortcomings in marketing strategies. One then forgets the basics: Any form of advertising must necessarily convey a message that reinforces brand positioningjust as the use of a testimonial or influencer must be used with caution and above all with consistency.

And let's face it! Sgarbi in jeans we've never seen before 😉


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