take your business to the next level

Strategic and Operational Consulting
per la Crescita
della Tua Azienda:

Scopri la consulenza strategica e operativa di Corrado Manenti: analisi mirate, piani d’azione concreti e supporto continuo per far crescere la tua azienda.

Strategic and Operational Consulting
per la Crescita della Tua Azienda:

La Strategic and Operational Consulting è il cuore del mio lavoro: un percorso su misura pensato per aiutarti a definire obiettivi chiari, adottare piani d’azione concreti e raggiungere risultati misurabili nel breve e lungo termine. Grazie alla mia esperienza in marketing, psicologia e gestione delle persone, posso offrirti una visione completa e strumenti efficaci per portare la tua azienda al livello successivo.

a multidisciplinary approach to create value

Visione Umanistica, Dati Concreti e Esperienza sul Campo:

Definire obiettivi chiari, tracciare un piano d’azione concreto e raggiungere risultati misurabili.
Questi sono i tre pilastri su cui si basa un percorso di Strategic and Operational Consulting con me e il mio team. Coniugo la passione per la psicologia e la formazione in gestione delle persone con un approccio rigoroso all’analisi di mercato, al marketing e al branding. Il risultato? Un percorso di crescita su misura che intreccia i dati quantitativi e qualitativi con l’attenzione sincera alle dinamiche umane.

My Method

My team and I design these multi-sensory and holistic experiencesusing neuromarketing principles and scientific theories to ensure that every detail contributes to building a lasting emotional bond between the customer and the brand. These are the fundamental principles that guide our work:


a dream

Each experience must make the customer dream, immersing him/her in a world that reflects the values and essence of the brand. The aim is to evoke deep emotions and desires, creating an emotional connection that goes beyond the simple business transaction.


Create Experiences

I use innovative technology and interactive design to engage all the senses. It's the details that count which is why every detail, from sound to fragrance, is taken care of to offer a complete sensory experience, making each visit unique and memorable.


The Client

The customer must feel special and unique. I offer customised solutions that allow customers to interact with the brand in a personal and meaningful way. Each interaction is designed to be relevant and tailored to the customer's needs.


Consistency and Authenticity

The experience must be consistent with the brand image and integrate seamlessly with other communication and sales platforms. I create a common thread linking the physical to the online, ensuring a fluid and coherent narrative.


Sustainability and profitability

I design environmentally friendly experiences using sustainable materials and energy efficient solutions. Sustainability is an integral part of brand value and an increasingly important element for customers.


Holistic Approach to KPIs

Each design is developed considering the interaction of all sensory and environmental elements, creating an overall experience that goes beyond the mere sum of its parts. This approach ensures that the overall experience is harmonious and engaging.

A Chi si Rivolge la Mia Consulenza

Il mio servizio di consuelenza aziendale strategica ed operativa supporta tre tipologie di clienti: Imprese e Start-up alla ricerca di una solida visione strategica iniziale; Aziende di Moda, Lusso e Lifestyle che necessitano di storytelling e brand identity distintivi; PMI in evoluzione che richiedono piani operativi concreti e affiancamento costante per consolidarsi o espandersi.

PMI & Start-Up

Aziende che desiderano definire o migliorare la propria strategia di crescita, ottimizzando risorse e investimenti.

Brand Moda ,Lusso ,Lifestile, Design

realtà che necessitano di un approccio esperienziale e di un posizionamento distintivo.

Lancio nuovi prodotti

per chi vuole ridurre al minimo il rischio e massimizzare l’impatto sul mercato.

we use a combination of anthropological tools and data-driven analysis:

Tools and Methodologies

To ensure that each project achieves maximum impact, we use a combination of advanced tools and innovative techniques.

Data-driven analysis allows us to collect and interpret valuable data on customer behaviour. We employ anthropological and ethnographic studies to gain an in-depth understanding of customers' expectations and cultural interactions.

In addition, the mystery guest method helps us to evaluate the customer experience objectively, while targeted training programmes ensure that staff and managers are always aligned with the brand vision.

Data analysis:

We collect and analyse data on customer behaviour, preferences and market trends. This allows us to develop strategies based on factual information and to measure the effectiveness of our solutions in real time.

Mystery Guest

We implement mystery shopping techniques to evaluate the customer experience from the consumer's point of view, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

Staff and Manager Training:

We offer specific training programmes for sales staff and managers, ensuring that each team member is aligned with the brand vision and able to deliver excellent service.


We use ethnographic and anthropological studies to deeply understand customer behaviour and expectations, creating experiences that resonate at a deep, cultural level.

closeup photo of brown leaf near brown wooden frame

my multidisciplinary approach to create value for the company through the customer

Perchè Scegliere Me:

I believe that the luxury experience lies in the details. Every interaction between customer and brand must be a unique and memorable moment. My vision is to turn every space into an opportunity to create deep emotional connections, strengthening customer loyalty and enhancing brand reputation. Through innovative and customised solutions, my team and I work to elevate the customer experience, delivering tangible and lasting results.

Esperienza Multidisciplinare

anni di lavoro in azienda e da consulente mi hanno permesso di integrare competenze di psicologia, marketing e gestione del team.

Approccio personalizzato

non uso soluzioni “preconfezionate”. Ogni percorso nasce dal confronto e dall’ascolto delle tue reali esigenze.

Metodo Misurabile

definisco indicatori di performance (KPI) per mostrarti, passo dopo passo, i risultati concreti.

Rete Professionale

se servono competenze specifiche (dalla grafica alla programmazione), posso contare su un team di specialisti

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about our products and services.


Elevate your business with unique and memorable experiences!

Se cerchi un consulente strategico e operativo in grado di accompagnarti dall’idea alla messa in pratica, contattami oggi stesso.
Scopri come posso aiutarti a trasformare la tua visione in risultati concreti

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